I have more energy, my thoughts are clearer, and I feel balanced!

My name is Manny. I have been suffering from years of low back pain due to my occupation. I also suffered a whiplash injury from a car accident a few years ago where my vehicle was T-boned. After the accident, I developed neck pain and my ribs on the left side would hurt. Medical doctors could not find what was wrong and their X-rays came back negative. I sought a chiropractor for my pain and had been going to him for 2 years, but I never got any lasting results, not even with massage therapy.
My discomfort was causing me a lot of stress and frustration. It would interfere with my work as I have to drive long distances on a weekly basis and lift heavy objects. My knees would start hurting after long periods of standing and in the last two years I started to notice that I was developing a weak grip in my right hand. When I met Dr. Jessica, she asked about my digestion and I told her that I have had acid reflux for my whole life and I would have to take medication to relieve my symptoms. Often, I would be up in the middle of the night feeling the reflux, which prevented me from getting any rest. I did not realize at the time that chiropractic had anything to do with my digestion.
After a few gentle adjustments, I have noticed significant changes in how my body functions. My low back no longer bothers me, even when I drive long distance. My body feels better and more balanced, and the most surprising thing is that my acid reflux has cleared up! I no longer have to take medication to manage the reflux and I can sleep through the night. Even my family members have noticed that I no longer have to take pills.
I have more energy during the day, my thoughts are much clearer (no more brain fog), and my body feels much more balanced. I feel great!