correcting-neck-pain-with-proper-postureNeck pain is widespread, and almost everyone has had at least one episode of neck pain in their life. If you’re living in Southern California, there’s an upper cervical chiropractor in San Diego who can provide relief.  

Unbeknownst to many, neck pain can come from having poor posture. This mainly happens to people who work desk jobs and spend their days seated. They don’t necessarily have a good grasp of how this kind of lifestyle impacts their posture and leads to neck problems.  

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the causes of neck pain, keeping proper posture, and natural options for pain relief.


Causes of neck pain 

Neck pain is primarily caused by muscle tension brought on by everyday activities. Some examples are using a computer monitor that’s improperly positioned, lifting heavy objects with bad posture, and sleeping in an uncomfortable position.  

Other causes are bending over a desk for hours at a time, twisting the neck in a jarring manner, and hours of poor posture while reading or watching TV. Accidents may also cause neck pain through things like blood vessel injuries, vertebral fractures, and whiplash injuries.  

Neck pain can be a byproduct of underlying health conditions. Some examples include a ruptured disc, sprains, torticollis, fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis, and osteoporosis. There are worse cases like cancers involving the spine and spondylosis. 


Self-care options for neck pain relief 

There are simple self-care tips to achieve pain relief from neck pain. One recommended option is applying a towel-wrapped ice pack on the affected area for 15 minutes at a time during the next 48 to 72 hours following an injury.  The cold relief care reduces inflammation, while the heat increases blood flow and eases muscle tension. A heating pad or a warm bath can apply heat to the neck once the inflammation has gone down. 

Gentle neck stretches can help relieve muscle tension. Doing a variety of slow range-of-motion exercises like bending the neck up and down and side to side is one way. Soft-pressure massages can also help.  

If you’re already dealing with neck pain, make adjustments to your daily activities by taking a rest for a few days. This should help alleviate some of the pain brought on by inflammation.  

Sleep on a firm mattress is generally better than sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or is sagging. Your pillow should be the right thickness for the position that you sleep in. 

 To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and chronic neck pain download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Posture changes for neck pain relief 

As I’ve previously mentioned, proper posture is helpful for alleviating unbearable neck pain. One way to do it is by walking tall and keeping your head straight as if there were a book balanced on top of your head.  

Another way is paying attention to your calves, which control your balance as you walk. Keep the body relaxed and add a bounce to your step using your calves. Doing this assists your body in keeping an upright position.  

Some people take more extreme measures by connecting kinetic tape from one shoulder to the opposite hip and from the other shoulder to the other hip. It provides a reminder not to slouch. However, others use a brace that has a similar function for posture correction.  

The critical thing about posture correction is to be conscious of it. Exercising core muscles and being mindful about posture are probably the two most effective solutions to poor posture. 


Reducing neck pain for desk job employees 

Many people these days work desk jobs for which they have to sit for most of the day. Though it is difficult to maintain good posture while sitting for long periods of time, it can be done more easily with careful planning.  

First off, it is essential to keep the hands, wrists, and forearms in a straight line and parallel to the floor. The elbows should stay close to the body and bent at either a 90-degree angle.  

Both shoulders should relax, while the arms hang comfortably at the side of the body. As for the head, it should stay level and look straight ahead.  

Both feet should be flat on the floor or a footrest, while a lumbar pillow should appropriately support the back. The thighs and hips should sit on a cushioned seat parallel to the floor.  

And while keeping correct posture is vital, so is moving from time to time. Take breaks from sitting every hour or so by standing up or walking around. It should help reduce the stress that occurs on your body from sitting too long.


Proper spinal alignment for neck pain relief 

Misalignments in the top two bones of the spine are another reason for neck pain and poor posture. Once the spine shifts in compensating for the misalignment, both the nerves and muscles get irritated, resulting in discomfort. 

Fortunately, upper cervical chiropractic care can help. Here in my clinic, Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, I make use of gentle yet effective adjustment methods to help return neck bones to their correct positions.  

Individualized care is my number one priority, and my patients see noticeable changes in their daily posture. Ultimately, it also provides relief to the neck pain they’ve long endured.  

If you’re looking for an upper cervical chiropractor in San Diego, my clinic is here to provide you with the relief you need. Call (858) 577-0662 or send me an email at You can schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss how upper cervical chiropractic can help you have a healthy life free from neck pain. 


To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.

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