#LowBackPainRelief #SciaticaRelief“Is my back pain due to a herniated disc?” This is one of the most common questions I get as an upper cervical chiropractor in CA. 

People miss work because of back pain, which is a leading cause of disability worldwide. At least once in their lives, people experienced some form of back pain. Age isn’t an issue, as both children and adults experience it.  

In this article, you’ll learn more about back pain, its causes, and whether or not it is due to a herniated disc. I will also introduce you to a natural form of relief proven to be helpful. 

After reading this, you should be able to deal with back pain better. If you find this information useful, pass it along to friends and loved ones.  


Symptoms of Back Pain 

First, let’s do a quick rundown of the common symptoms of back pain:  

  • Stabbing or shooting pain 
  • Aching muscles
  • Pain that radiates down the leg
  • Limited range of motion or flexibility of the back


The Causes of Back Pain 

Because back pain knows no age limit, it can occur for a variety of reasons. Muscle strains and sprains are a common reason for back pain. This can happen from excess weight or carrying a heavy load.  

Another reason for back pain is lifting with improper posture. For example, you have used your back to lift a heavy object instead of your legs and hips. Psychological conditions also play a role, especially for those with anxiety and depression. 

 If you lack exercise, you likely experience back pain, too. It’s because the unused back and abdominal muscles weaken, making it easier to injure them. 

Aging is another common factor. Once you hit ages 30 to 40, you are more susceptible to back pain.  


Understanding a Herniated Disc 

Before we answer the main question, let’s first understand what a herniated disc is. It is a condition that usually occurs in the lower back. However, the neck is also susceptible.  

A herniated disc, otherwise known as a ruptured disc, happens when the exterior of the disc tears and some of the softer center leaks out. As a result, nearby nerves get irritated, resulting in weakness, numbness, and pain.  

One of the most common reasons for herniated discs to occur is disc degeneration. As people age, the spine goes through gradual wear-and-tear. As time passes, the discs in the spine lose water content, making them less flexible and more easily torn.  

Herniated discs happen due to several reasons, but most of the time, the cause is either incorrect lifting or twisting.  

Symptoms of a herniated disc include numbness or tingling. It will occur on the nerves near the affected area. Another indicator is muscle weakness, which happens to the muscles connected to the affected nerve. As a result, the ability to hold or lift items begins to weaken.  

If the ruptured disc is in the neck, symptoms may occur in the neck, shoulders, and arms. Symptoms can flare up during sudden movements like sneezing or coughing. But if the affected disc is in the lower back, symptoms may occur in the lower back, calf, thigh, and buttocks.  


Is Your Back Pain Due to a Herniated Disc? 

The disc itself usually does not experience pain. The pain that people feel due to a herniated disc is actually from the nerves being irritated from the disc fluid leaking out of the disc. Many people have this condition but experience very little to no pain at all. 

One positive thing about this situation is that back pain due to a herniated disc does not require surgery. That should save you money and alleviate your body from stress.  


When to Seek Medical Help for Back Pain 

Most cases of back pain do not require medical attention. Simple home remedies like specific exercises and ample rest time are good enough to provide relief.  

But there are sure signs to look out for that may require you to visit the doctor immediately. One of them is sudden bowel or bladder issues. Another sign is if the pain spreads down to the legs, especially below the knees.  

If your back pain comes with fever or unexplained weight loss, that’s another indicator to seek medical help. It also applies if your back pain is due to a bad fall or an injury. And if your back pain persists even with the right amount of rest, it would be best to have it checked.  

People age 50 and above who have never experienced back pain also fall under this category. The same thing goes for those with a history of cancer, substance abuse, or steroid use.  


Finding Natural Relief for Back Pain 

Another reason for back pain to occur is a misalignment of the upper bones of the neck. Even the slightest movement of the vertebrae out of position may cause back pain, along with other problems.  

But one form of natural relief for back pain and herniated discs is upper cervical chiropractic care.  

As an upper cervical chiropractor in CA, I use gentle and precise methods to encourage the vertebrae back into alignment. I stay away from traditional chiropractic methods that involve and popping or cracking of the neck and back. 

The effectiveness of my gentle method is seen through the feedback from my patients. They’ve reported great results after receiving my care.  

So if you’re looking for an upper cervical chiropractor in CA, don’t hesitate to contact my clinic for a free consultation. You can also call me at (858) 577-0662 for any questions or concerns. I will do my best to address them and provide you with as much information as possible.


To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.

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