How do you spend your weekends? Most of you who are not working on weekends probably use this time to catch up on chores, run some errands, visit friends and family, go to your usual gym or yoga studio, or do sporting activities. No matter how you spend it, sometimes your weekends become a busy time where you run around like a headless chicken. First, you start the day with a full schedule, and then next thing you know, you’re frantically searching for a number to call for vertigo relief in San Diego CA.
There you are, puzzled and unsure why or how things happened. These things can sometimes occur suddenly and so fast that it usually catches you by surprise. While vertigo is typically harmless, the underlying reason may be more severe than you know. Sudden attacks may also cause unwanted accidents and injuries, especially while you’re out and about, such as when driving or going down the stairs.
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Your inner ear and vertigo
It’s not uncommon for patients looking for vertigo relief in San Diego CA to hear their healthcare providers mention inner ear infections related to vertigo. Experts believe that an inner ear infection can cause a vertigo episode when you lie down or stand up.
This can be why sometimes when you are preoccupied with busy activities and move a lot, you get sudden vertigo episodes. Since your inner ear is essential to keeping your balance and coordination when you have an ear infection, your ability to maintain and control your movements is affected. Why does this happen? There are several possible reasons you need to know about:
You have a swollen or irritated vestibular nerve
A swollen vestibular nerve (due to vestibular neuritis) can cause the signals to the brain to be impaired, eventually resulting in balancing problems such as dizziness and vertigo.
You have displaced calcium crystals in the fluid-filled sections of the ears
BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) stems from displaced calcium crystals. Patients seeking vertigo relief in San Diego CA are likely dealing with positional vertigo when they experience dizzy spells whenever their heads move in a particular position.
You may experience severe or mild vertigo episodes when you have positional vertigo. Sudden head movements, such as lying down, bending, or standing up, may trigger vertigo episodes with or without accompanying symptoms such as loss of balance, nausea, or vomiting.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
You have Meniere’s disease
Meniere’s disease is an inner ear issue that causes vertigo episodes and hearing loss. This usually occurs in one ear, but both ears eventually become affected in some cases. Anyone can have Meniere’s disease, albeit a rare condition; however, it usually happens to people aged 20 to 60.
You have fluid buildup in the inner ear
This is also called middle ear effusions or serous otitis media, wherein fluid in the middle ear builds up, causing imbalance and spinning vertigo. The fluid in the middle ear may accumulate due to colds, sore throat, or an upper respiratory infection.
You might have vestibular migraines
Neurological issues such as vestibular migraine can also cause recurring vertigo episodes. This is different from the usual headache-ridden migraine. Instead, patients experience vertigo episodes with other symptoms, including balance and coordination problems and high sensitivity to sounds.
Where to find vertigo relief in San Diego CA?
When researching for vertigo relief, you will see different home remedies or exercises that many experts share. But we’d like to talk you into upper cervical chiropractic care. If this is your first time to know about this unique branch of chiropractic care, keep reading.
Upper cervical chiropractic care focuses on correcting and aligning the top two bones of your spine located in your neck, which is essential to improve your overall health and reduce pain throughout the body. Unfortunately, the upper cervical spine’s location is close to the inner ear. And when they misalign, it can disrupt your inner ear functions and affect the signals your brain receives about the position of your body. This can trigger vertigo.
When your upper cervical spine is off balance due to misalignment or trauma, it can irritate your brainstem, the part responsible for sending signals from the body to your brain, including pain signals. When stress and pressure get in the way of the brainstem’s normal function, signals become distorted, and the body can respond by triggering different symptoms, including vertigo. Your brainstem helps sort and integrate information the brain receives about the body’s position. When it becomes irritated, the accuracy of these signals affects your body’s response in keeping the balance.
Correcting this misalignment with gentle adjustments done by a reputable doctor of chiropractic can lessen your vertigo pain and its possible recurrence. You can check out Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care San Diego for this specially designed chiropractic care.
Call Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego
Dr. Mercedes Cook has helped thousands of patients complaining and seeking vertigo relief in San Diego CA. She has established a stellar reputation in the discipline of upper cervical chiropractic care. When you consult with her, you may likely experience how she safely and gently corrects misalignments in your upper neck to help your body naturally heal and eventually manage or eliminate vertigo symptoms.
You are safe and guaranteed to be in good hands under the care of Dr. Cook. You will also receive a personalized care regimen that best fits your needs. You can visit her at Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego by setting an appointment online or calling (858) 577-0662.
To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.
If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at