managing-the-symptoms-and-triggers-of-migraines-naturallyRunning a migraine relief clinic in San Diego allows me to support patients suffering from the neurological condition in my city. 

Migraines are a common and burdensome health disorder worldwide. In the United States alone, 1 out of every 6 Americans suffer from migraines, a study reported. Migraines cause a throbbing or pounding headache that is often on one side of the head. However, migraine headaches may also affect both sides of the head. 

Migraine headaches can be so unbearable they can hinder you from accomplishing day-to-day tasks. These factors may trigger a migraine attack:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Stressful events or situations
  • Environmental factors


Symptoms of Migraines

Aside from the severe headache, patients may also experience other symptoms, including the following: 

  • Radiating pain in the forehead, temple, and eyes
  • Visual disturbances
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Sensitivity to light, odors, and sound

There is the classic type of migraines called “migraines with aura,” which involve visual changes in a person’s field of vision. Aura can mean seeing wavy lines or dots, having blurry vision, or temporary loss of sight. However, it does not occur in all patients.


Signs and Symptoms of Migraines

The prodrome phase of migraines serves as the warning sign of an impending migraine attack. This phase hits a few hours or days before the onset of the headache. The prodrome phase brings about these symptoms:

  • Odd sensations of tastes and smells
  • Irritability
  • Excitability
  • Tension or anxiety
  • Exhaustion
  • Moodiness
  • Depression
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraine download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. Free Migraine Ebook

6 Common Triggers of Migraines

Though the precise cause as to why migraines occur remains a puzzle, one study suggests that it is due to the waves of activity of excitable brain cells. Certain events trigger chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, to narrow the blood vessels. The contractions in blood vessels and changes in serotonin levels may result in migraines.

Triggers may also bring on the changes in the body, resulting in migraines. Let’s take a closer look at a few of the common migraine triggers:

  • Hormonal changes

Many women experience menstrual migraines during their menstrual cycle. The fluctuating hormones in the body are the main culprit for menstrual migraines. Some women who undergo hormone therapy may also experience more intense and increased migraines. 

  • Skipping meals or lack of sleep

Migraineurs must stick to a routine when it comes to eating and sleeping. Regularly eating your meals and sleeping on schedule go a long way in steering clear of migraines. Also, watch out for food binges as it can also trigger migraines. 

  • Caffeine

The role of caffeine in migraines is complicated. It helps some patients get relief from migraines, while others may find caffeine their major trigger. In a nutshell, too much or too little caffeine can bring on migraines. It is best to limit your dose of caffeine. 

  • Flashing, bright lights

Some patients may notice their migraine hits following exposure to sunlight, faulty lights, or a flickering TV screen.

  • Certain foods

Some foods are notorious for triggering migraines such as aged cheeses, red wine, processed meats, and soy sauce. Food additive like MSG and aspartame are also bad for migraine patients.

  • Stress and anxiety

Stress is inevitable in life, but learning positive coping mechanisms can help you overcome stressful situations and avoid migraines. You may turn to exercise or relaxation techniques to de-stress. Do not rely on alcohol.

Another thing to be careful of is let-down migraines. Migraines can also happen after a stressful event has passed. For example, you had a very stressful workweek; you may experience migraine headaches on the weekends during your day-off. The drastic changes in your stress level triggered the migraine.


Migraines Due to Neck Misalignments

Another thing that can lead to migraines is having an injury to the head or neck. Oftentimes, head or neck injuries are results of sports-related accidents or car crashes. However, it can also stem from minor things, such as a simple slip and fall.

These types of accidents can cause the misalignment of the topmost bones in the neck (the C1 and C2 vertebrae). Migraines can develop following these unfortunate incidents. You may ask, what’s the connection of migraines to the uppermost bones in the neck?

Misaligned bones in the top of the neck can disrupt the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and blood reaching and leaving the brain. Disruption of the cerebrospinal fluid can lead to neurological problems such as migraines.


Research-Backed Relief for Migraines

A study looked at the case of a 35-year-old former figure skater who started suffering from migraines following an accident on the ice at age 23. Doctors found she had a misalignment in the bones in her upper neck. For 12 years, relief was elusive for her even after her regular medications. Her situation began turning around after she received upper cervical chiropractic care. After just three months, she noticed her migraines disappear. She never had another migraine episode ever again.

By correcting the existing neck misalignments, patients can achieve lasting migraine relief.  Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego can help identify if your migraines are due to a neck misalignment. Once confirmed, I can return the misaligned bones to their correct places. The method I use is similar to the technique used in the case study mentioned above.

My goal is to make your migraines go away and never return. Visit my migraine relief clinic in San Diego or call (858) 577-0662 to set an appointment with me at your convenience.


To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.

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