Are you scared that your recurring vertigo episodes put you at risk for PPPD or persistent postural perceptual dizziness (a chronic vestibular condition)? Do your spinning sensations put a halt to your plans in life? Are you looking for new ways to combat your dizzying spells so you can get back to your regular routine?
As your trusted provider of natural vertigo relief in San Diego CA, Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego outlines the key warning signs of PPPD and the best way for you to restore balance in your body.
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New Study at Nagoya University Offers Valuable Insights
Last March 2022, a study on PPPD was published by esteemed clinical researchers from Nagoya University. The study aimed to help PPPD and vertigo sufferers like you assess your risks and find out how you can move forward despite having a debilitating symptom.
After all, vertigo episodes can be quite nightmarish to have. Just imagine all the days you have to cancel plans with families and friends because you struggle to determine if you’re truly moving and spinning around. Indeed, an out-of-whack vestibular and nervous system can do so much damage to your life.
To make things worst, researchers from Nagoya University found that people with persistent and hard-to-treat vertigo episodes early on in life often develop PPPD. Additionally, they found three exacerbating factors in patients: upright posture, movement, and visual stimulation.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
Upright Posture and Vertigo Attacks
At Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, we often remind our patients of the value of keeping an upright posture through gentle upper cervical chiropractic adjustments. Additionally, we emphasize how injuries that hurt your neck and head in previous years can come back to haunt you.
They can cause undetected posture changes that compromise the spine and impact your nervous system – two critical structures of your body that play a pivotal role in maintaining your health.
So, we strongly recommend asking yourself questions like “did I get hurt in the neck or head during childhood?” “was I ever in an accident that cause concussions or whiplash?”. Think back to the moments when you took your neck or head trauma for granted.
Then, think of your current balance and vestibular problems (PPPD, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo episodes, Meniere’s disease, etc.) today.
Numerous case studies have proven that balance and nervous system problems can stem from a postural imbalance in the Upper Cervical spine. Notably, even the slightest change to the alignment of your atlas and axis bones can have long-term repercussions on your health, such as:
- Impaired brain signal transmission
- Poor nervous system health
- Stiffened neck muscles and joints
- Compromised posture
- Head tilting at an awkward angle
- Poor fluid flow and drainage to your head
When combined, these problems can set off a myriad of health concerns ranging from vertigo episodes to chronic fatigue and burning nerve pain.
Get Help from Dr. Mercedes Cook: Your Best Chance At Enjoying Lasting Vertigo Relief In San Diego CA
You’ve spent years going back and forth on vertigo remedies that provide you with little to no repose. You’ve also maxed out your patience in finding a way to work around your recurring vertigo episodes and increased risk for PPPD.
Now what? Well, we suggest looking into a holistic source of vertigo relief in San Diego CA: Upper Cervical Care.
Thousands of patients swear by it and have seen astounding results since their neck bones shifted back into their orthogonal or 90-degree alignment—no more recurring vertigo episodes or worry-filled days thinking about an impending attack.
You, too, can tap into a profound healing journey! All you need is to book an appointment with Dr. Cook so she can conduct the necessary background check on your previous injuries and current cervical spine condition. Schedule your initial consultation today!
To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.
If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at