Are you looking for natural relief for Migraines in San Diego? If your answer is yes, then you’ve come to the right place.
Migraines can sap a person’s energy leaving one unable to perform a normal daily routine. Around the globe, 46% of people have an active headache issue. In the United States, 10-12% cope with migraines, and it is ranked among the most common neurological disorders. Women suffer from migraines three times as often as men do. Migraines are frequently accompanied by:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness
- Sensitivity to light and sound
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How Migraine Care Is Changing
At the Cleveland Clinic, a new way of tending to migraines is being attempted. An algorithm for diagnosing and caring for migraines is being employed. Previously, a person that came to the emergency room for migraine pain would fill out a brief history of their health, tests would be ordered to rule out complications, and the patient would be diagnosed and sent home with prescription drugs, such as narcotics or opioids. The new way of handling this cuts back on addictive, prescription medications. It is a detailed care plan that involves non-addictive medications. While this does help in some situations, it has not been entirely successful, thus leaving patients looking for a more natural way to cope with the pain of migraines.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraine download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
Natural Relief for Migraines in San Diego, CA
Here at Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, we aim to provide effective and natural relief for migraines in San Diego. A connection has been seen between a misalignment in the top bone of the neck (C1 vertebra) and migraine headaches. This type of misalignment may place undue pressure on the brainstem causing the nervous system to malfunction. Communication and blood flow to and from the brain and body may be hindered, thereby leading to migraine headaches.
We use a gentle method to provide natural relief for migraines in San Diego. Through our adjustments, the body can then repair the damage, leading to a decrease or elimination of migraines. A study performed involving 101 headache and migraine patients who received upper cervical care revealed that improvement was seen in as little as one or two adjustments for the majority of people.
To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.
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