Trigeminal neuralgia attacks can be excruciatingly painful. Attacks last between 2 seconds and 2 minutes, but they can occur back-to-back rapidly. Trigeminal neuralgia patients should take caution during the following movements that may lead to an attack. (1,2)
– Sleeping on the side of the attack
– Brushing teeth
– Smiling
– Chewing
– Washing your face
– Putting on makeup
It can be incredibly difficult to avoid an attack because of the frequency of these daily tasks. Typical trigeminal neuralgia relief involves medication and potential surgery. Some trigeminal neuralgia sufferers are looking to alternative methods first.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and trigeminal neuralgia download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
A Natural Trigeminal Neuralgia Solution
Your spine is responsible for protecting your spinal cord. Your spinal cord sends signals to and from your brain. When your atlas (top bone in your neck) misaligns, this creates pressure within your spinal cord, causing improper signals. These improper signals may lead to misfiring of the trigeminal nerve and consequent trigeminal neuralgia (facial pain) symptoms.
Dr. Cook is trained in Blair technique, a specific chiropractic approach that realigns the atlas through a low-force correction. Through this adjustment, the spinal cord has reduced tension, leading to proper messages being sent to and from the brain. This may correct misfiring of the trigeminal nerve, leading to a reduction of trigeminal neuralgia symptoms.
Flory et al. reported on a case of a 10-year-old male with trigeminal neuralgia. After approximately 2 weeks of specific atlas chiropractic care, his trigeminal neuralgia symptoms were gone. At a follow-up visit 1.5 years later, his mother reported that he had not had a trigeminal neuralgia attack since starting care. (3)
If you would like to learn more information on how Blair technique may help trigeminal neuralgia, give Upper Cervical Chiropractic of San Diego a call at 858-434-5926.
- Rubin M. Trigeminal Neuralgia – Neurologic Disorders [Internet]. Merck Manuals Professional Edition. 2014 [cited 8 December 2015]. Available from:
- Trigeminal neuralgia Causes – Mayo Clinic [Internet]. 2015 [cited 8 December 2015]. Available from:
- Flory T, Chung J, Ozner J. Resolution of Facial Neuralgia Following Reduction of Atlas Subluxation Complex: A Case Study. J Upper Cerv Chiro Res [Internet]. 2015 [cited 8 December 2015];2015(February):6-13. Available from:
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