Vertigo is an intriguing symptom, mainly because it can get triggered by several health issues. It occurs most of the time because of a vestibular problem like BPPV or Meniere’s. However, there are instances where it develops because of central nervous issues. Therefore, if you have this symptom, it’s crucial to trace its origins. Otherwise, finding a sustainable option for vertigo relief in San Diego becomes impossible.
We recommend reading on so you can learn more about the most likely causes of vertigo attacks. This way, you can better control your spinning sensations and avoid experiencing significant disruptions in your daily life.
Table of Contents
A Brief Overview on Spinning Sensations
Before discussing the different reasons why vertigo episodes happen, let’s first look at a few statistics and insights:
- Vertigo is not a disease but a separate symptom
- Vertigo and dizziness isn’t the same
- Most cases of vertigo happen because of displaced otolith fragments
- Thousands of patients experience vertigo each day
- The sign can disappear and recur several times a week, depending on the root cause
- About 20 percent of the population suffer from spinning sensations and dizzying spells
- A small fraction of vertigo cases stem from Vitamin B12 deficiencies
- Diet can also cause vertigo attacks
- Certain medications work wonders in relieving vertigo
- There are natural ways to eliminate vertigo, including upper cervical chiropractic adjustments and aromatherapy
Now that you have a bit of introduction to vertigo attacks, it will be easier to understand some of its most common causes.
What’s Causing Your Vertigo?
Medication side effects
Some vertigo attacks develop because of antibiotics, water pills, chemotherapy drugs, and tricyclic anti-depressants. If you experience loss of balance or disorientation because of your medications, you should consider switching to another option or opting for a lower dose. Don’t hesitate to communicate with your physician so you can get a better set of medicine.
Did you know that a significant number of vertigo attacks occur because of displaced otoliths? Essentially, the inner ears use the otolith to detect acceleration and gravitational changes. So, when they end up in other sections of the ear, they can mess up the signals sent to your brain. This causes disorienting episodes that can last up to several minutes.
Traumatic injury
Countless patients who look for vertigo relief in San Diego suffered from a traumatic injury. Accidents, sports-related trauma, and physical abuse can cause postural imbalances and interfere with normal vestibular functions. Notably, some vertigo attacks that stem from this health concern happen months or years after the injury.
Inflammation or irritation of the labyrinth can trigger both hearing and balance problems. Hence, if you get diagnosed with this disease, it would help to take the required medication to fight off the infection. The quicker you can eliminate the pathogen that caused your labyrinthitis, the faster you can escape from the grasps of vertigo and other symptoms.
Vestibular neuronitis
Similar to the condition above, vestibular neuronitis can impair auditory and vestibular functions. However, this disease affects the eighth cranial nerve instead of the labyrinth. This leads to the transmission of mixed-up vestibular signals and uncontrollable spinning sensations.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
Meniere’s disease
Meniere’s is a rare but highly debilitating vestibular disorder. The medical community remains clueless as to why it develops. Some believe that it has a connection with the abnormal fluctuation of endolymph levels in the inner ears. On the one hand, other studies believe it stems from pre-existing issues like infections and cervical subluxation or spinal misalignments.
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Did you know that about one-fifth of patients with multiple sclerosis experience mild to severe bouts of vertigo? Studies attribute the strong correlation between the two to nerve damage, a multiple sclerosis side effect that affects about 25 percent of patients.
As a complex neurological condition, migraine triggers a plethora of crippling and uncomfortable sensations. One of them is vertigo attack, a sensation similar to what you feel when standing on a rocking boat. If you experience vertigo episodes hours or days before the headache phase of your migraine, you likely have vestibular migraine. Besides the throbbing pain, you should expect to experience other things like:
- Lightheadedness
- Disequilibrium
- Light sensitivity
- Nausea and vomiting
Brainstem ischemia
Brainstem ischemia is also a rare cause of vertigo attacks. However, it can be fatal if not addressed quickly. It would help to look out for other indications of brainstem ischemia like:
- Dizziness and loss of balance
- Difficulty swallowing
- Loss of body coordination
- Numbing and muscle weakness on one or two sides of your body
- Speech problems (slurred speech, difficulty verbalizing your thoughts, etc.)
If you observe any of these symptoms, we strongly recommend calling 911 so you can receive emergency medical assistance.
Cervical subluxation (misalignment)
Several case studies have found that structural changes in the cervical spine can cause the inner ear to transmit inaccurate and confusing messages to the brain. As it turns out, the C1 and C2 bones can press on the brainstem and cause neurovascular compression. When these two things occur, you become susceptible to vestibular troubles such as vertigo episodes.
If you hurt your neck or have developed a degenerating disc disease, it might be helpful to seek an upper cervical doctor. This way, a professional can get your neck bone evaluated and adjusted to the correct angle.
Receive Chiropractic Adjustments and Get Vertigo Relief in San Diego
Vertigo can cause big problems when they occur several times a week. Thankfully, if you address its root cause, such as those we listed above, you have a better chance of stopping it from taking over your life.
Regardless of what vertigo-causing condition you have, we suggest visiting our clinic, the Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego. Our holistic approach to restoring the body’s vitality can help prevent health concerns from getting worse. It can also fix brain-to-body communication pathways so you can decrease your risk for recurring vertigo problems.
If you’re new to upper cervical care, here are the main benefits of receiving the adjustments:
- Restored eustachian tube function
- Healthier brainstem malfunction
- Restored blood circulation and cerebrospinal drainage
Would you like to take advantage of these perks and experience lasting vertigo relief in San Diego? Then, start managing your vertigo-causing conditions through a holistic and allopathic method. You can call Dr. Mercedes Cook for your booking concerns or inquiries at (858) 577-0662. Alternatively, you can write her a message through our web form.
To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.
If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at