Pharmaceutical companies have, for a long time, tried to develop drugs to help ones with vertigo manage their symptoms. Unfortunately, these provide, at best, temporary relief, and many come with side effects. So how does one get to the bottom of the issue? Where can lasting and natural relief be found?
Actually, the underlying cause of vertigo may be corrected in many cases, and without the use of pharmaceuticals. An accident or injury can create conditions where vertigo is an aftereffect. A car accident, sports injury, fall, or some other trauma may be well in your past, but it could be the cause of what you are experiencing now. The reason is that the incident may have caused the upper vertebrae in the neck to become misaligned and connective tissue to be injured. Most of this goes unnoticed and untreated when the injury happens.
Damage to the connective tissue in this area can create stress on the spine and lock it into a position that it should not be in. Twisting the spine results in the body twisting and bending itself out of its correct position. Even a person’s facial features, like the eyes and ears, can change position. Other important structures that can bend and shift include the canals found in the ears. This is where vertigo can begin. Inside the ear are the mechanisms that signal to the brain about position and movement in relation to your surroundings.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
#1 Vertigo Natural Remedy
To get things back on track and in their proper place, precise realigning of the vertebrae in the upper neck is key. At Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, we can provide a full evaluation and help get your body back in line and right where it needs to be. You may find that your vertigo episodes decrease or even diminish as a result of the restoration of proper upper cervical alignment. Learn more about our natural remedy today!
To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.
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