What exactly is whiplash? This is the term used to describe an injury to the neck due to a forceful, rapid back-and-forth motion of the head, similar to the cracking of a whip. This motion can move the upper neck vertebrae out of normal position. Two million people in the United States get whiplash every year.
Whiplash most generally occurs during a vehicle accident. However, it can happen at speeds as low as 5 mph. For vehicle damage to occur, speeds are usually clocked at 6 – 12 mph. While at 5 mph, damage to a car may not be visible, damage to the neck can cause all kinds of problems within the body. Therefore, whiplash can happen in other situations besides a vehicle accident. Some of these are:
- Ice Skating
- Skiing
- Gymnastics
- Football
- Hockey
- Boxing
- Bicycling
- Tripping and falling or falling down stairs
- Slipping on ice
- Physical abuse or altercations
- Injuries at birth, even during the normal birthing process

How to Find Help for Whiplash
Many people feel that if they just put some ice on their injuries, they will be fine. Ice is a good thing to use to reduce inflammation. However, a whiplash injury can be serious and may lead to more complications throughout the body over time.
A good place to seek care for a whiplash injury is to make an appointment to see an upper cervical chiropractor. We focus on making sure the top bones of the neck are in proper alignment. During a whiplash incident, these are the bones that are susceptible to dislocation. Even a mild misalignment of only ¼ of a millimeter can wreak havoc on the body if not corrected.
These bones protect the brainstem. Therefore, a misalignment can put undue pressure on the brainstem causing the brain and body to not communicate properly. Blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid flow can also be hindered.
We use a gentle technique to realign the bones and allow the body’s natural healing ability to take over. We do not twist, pop, or force the spine. Many of our patients report feeling better after only one or two adjustments.
To schedule a consultation with Upper Cervical Chiropractic San Diego, call 858-434-5926 or just click the button below.
If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.